Joel 218: Find Jesus’ Deity Everywhere! Can we find His Deity in the Old Testament? We should!
Our pastor gives us a wonderful update on his health. He’s feeling a lot better.
We’re continuing with the Mystery of The Will of The Father. He says “The animals are Mine.” God names the animals first... probably. Then He tells Adam to name the animals. Why? And why does God say not to hinder the little children to come to Christ. Who can stop them? No one. So, why does He say this? Our pastor is bringing back scripture that he’s covered before.
But while our pastor was recovering from his endoscopy he was asked about finding Christ and proof of His deity in the Old Testament. Christ raises Himself from the grave, so that must be The Will of The Father. But before that Jesus says, O my father, if it is possible... Why does that need to happen. It’s seemingly a contradiction. But we have The Will of The Father.
We now go on to a man that no one seems to know, W. Graham Scroggie, and he will help us with finding the deity of Christ in the Old Testament. This is going to be really cool. It has to do with the understanding Two Witnesses. Scroggie has the Wednesday crucifixion figured out. But that’s also Two Witnesses, so Bring a lunch. And Jesus says, before Abraham, I Am. And Christ walks through things and people... Quantum tunneling? He is the one who holds things together and therefore He is in charge of everything being held together, even while on earth, and He’s demonstrating who He is. He is the Lord God of the Creation Sabbath!
Obviously the lecture goes on because this is just the first lecture about discovering how to find the deity of Christ in the Old Testament, and I’ll let you listen from here. But get ready to write down a bunch of scriptures.
Notice: This is a very in-depth and fascinating study of Joel, Daniel, Revelation, Ecclesiastes, Job, and Genesis, by our pastor Stephen A. Chronister. You are watching Lecture Number 218 in this series. Current and past lectures can be found at in the Media page, and Podcasts are available on iTunes,,, and
now on Spotify. But hey... if you want to watch us live, we are on and and and on our app most every Sunday at our new time. 11:30AM Alaska time, 12:30 Pacific, 1:30 Mountain, 2:30 Central, and 3:30PM Eastern time. For notifications on when we will be broadcasting live, download our app from the homepage of our website, search for Cliffside Community Chapel and turn on notifications.
Scriptures: Ephesians 1:3-12, Psalms 50:10-12, Daniel 7:9-10