Joel 215: All Bodies Resurrected? Yes! Jesus will resurrect all Animals and Humans!

Sep 8, 2024    Stephen A. Chronister

The Lord kills and makes us alive. So we look for Old Testament and New Testament verses. Why is it that we must die to be made alive? 1 Corinthians 15:36 answers it, “Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies.” The question that deserves this answer is likely from a Gnostic or a Pharisee. They’re trying to catch God in a mistake. The word “sow” takes us to the Sower and the seed. It’s a wicked question. The solution is, how can we know that we will be resurrected? Bring in Genesis 3:15. We have the seed of mankind and the seed of animals, and mankind is always linked to animals. 1 Corinthains 15:12-58 is rich with knowledge. Verse 35 is the question that sparks all of this, “But someone will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?” There is life in the dead seed. And to each seed is its own body, but different seed produces a different body, animals, birds, fish, and mankind. 35-58 is how to be steadfast. God locates all the ashes, every particle that is us and all the other categories and restores all the bodies instantly. This is a picture of how good and how powerful He is. Matthew 27:52-53 is brought into play. The graves are going to be open all over the world. This has us bring in Colossians 1:15-18. Christ is declared equal to God. He is the first born and the first to die, because His crucifixion is before the foundation of the world. Being the last Adam, Christ has always been in a body and He is the life-giving spirit.


This lecture goes on with a list of things we need to understand and grasp of who Christ is, and more. So, now all that’s left is to get out a notebook, open your TextBook, and press play.


Notice: This is a very in-depth and fascinating study of Joel, Daniel, Revelation, Ecclesiastes, Job, and Genesis, by our pastor Stephen A. Chronister. You are watching Lecture Number 215 in this series. Current and past lectures can be found at in the Media page, and Podcasts are available on iTunes,,, and

now on Spotify. But hey... if you want to watch us live, we are on and and and on our app most every Sunday at our new time. 11:30AM Alaska time, 12:30 Pacific, 1:30 Mountain, 2:30 Central, and 3:30PM Eastern time. For notifications on when we will be broadcasting live, download our app from the homepage of our website, search for Cliffside Community Chapel and turn on notifications.


Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:36, Genesis 3:15, 1 Corinthians 15:12-58, 1 Corinthians 15:35, Matthew 27:52-53, Revelation 13:8, Colossians 1:15-18

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